Monday, January 2, 2023

Death Delivered at Christmas

Any Christian worthy of the name has heard about the events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ. All but one of these events are miraculous: the Virgin conception and birth; the angelic revelations to Zacharias (variant of Zechariah), Mary, Joseph, the shepherds of Bethlehem, and the Wise Men; the stunningly unique Star which indicated to the determined Wise Men where the newborn King of the Jews was located.

The one story that every thinking, compassionate Christian is horrified at is the tale of King Herod’s murderous reaction to the news of Jesus’ birth. The story is found in St. Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 2, verses 16 to 18: “Then Herod, when he saw that he was deceived by the wise men, was exceedingly angry; and he sent forth and put to death all the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all its districts, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had determined from the wise men.”

Imagine the trembling courtiers who were present at the mad king’s raging.

Imagine the hateful soldiers who automatically did the king’s bidding.

Imagine the terrified mothers who suddenly encountered bloodthirsty agents of death in the streets of Bethlehem.

Imagine the anguish of Mary and Joseph, as they hurried down to Egypt.

Imagine the years of waiting for the nightmare to end so that the Holy Family could rejoin their family in Nazareth.

Now imagine what kind of reprobate mind sends a “Merry Christmas” greeting to those who want to murder their own children!

Such is the state of a media that cannot see how utterly depraved and contemptible is NARAL’s latest babe-in-red-and-fur-trimmed-Christmas-top wish: “All I want for Christmas is you to have the right to abortion care.”

WHAT?????? Yes, you read that correctly. For NARAL, Christmas is not about the Babe in the manger; it’s about a baby in a bucket (of its own blood). It’s not about awe and wonder at God-made-flesh; it’s about our-god-is-our-own-flesh. Nine months before the birth of Jesus, Mary had a clear and awesome choice: whether or not to say “yes” to God – which, of course, she did. It is the SAME choice that every woman now shouting for “abortion rights” has: the choice whether or not to say “yes” to that man who wants to mate with her.

I can hear some people protesting immediately: “What about rape or incest?” Yes – what about these terrible actions? Do all these women shouting in the streets for “abortion rights” actually believe they are going to be raped someday, or become a victim of incest?


No – they are shouting for the right to kill a child in the womb after the choice to have sex has been made – should the miracle of conception occur!

We don’t know how many children of Bethlehem were murdered as a result of Herod’s decree. We also don’t know how many children have been murdered in the womb these past 100 years. I assure you that Herod has been fairly judged by a righteous and pure Heavenly Father. That same judgment awaits those who blasphemously equate the birth of the Prince of Peace with the continuation of the death of innocents.

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