Monday, January 9, 2023

Erasing the Cross

Has anyone else noticed an interesting change in photos of Damar Hamlin? Although I cannot reproduce what I saw, I definitely noticed one thing: the “cross” on his cheek has disappeared! Just after Hamlin’s tragic collapse, an on-field picture of him, sporting his eye black in the shape of a cross, was shown everywhere. It was distinctive, and it was not posed – it appeared to have been taken as Hamlin was walking or moving.

Suddenly, several days after Hamlin’s health crisis, the eye black has disappeared. I testify that it was the exact same pose – same background and all. But I noticed that the cross was gone. Knowing what I know about airbrushing and photo alterations, there is no doubt in my mind that some “woke” editor had taken it upon himself or herself to send a subtle message to the audience: We have no need of Christianity’s most important symbol.

The change cannot be “accidental.” It makes no difference to the recognition of Hamlin’s face to leave his eye black in place or to remove it. I propose to you that this deliberate action has deeper significance.

The cross is an enemy to the spirit of this age. Satan is the leader of the assault against God’s law and the morality that has steered this country since its inception – and he is crafty. He knows that hiding the symbol of Christ’s sacrifice tends to hide the call to repentance that that symbol projects. If he can make Christians ashamed of this symbol, he thinks he can take away their opportunity to speak about their Savior.

I will not make this blog longer. I just want to raise awareness that the media does not necessarily want you to be reminded of Jesus Christ and His Way.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Who Controls the World?

It’s only seven days into the year 2023, and I’m already sick of how many times so-called “climate change” has come up in both public and private conversations. Mainstream media “reminds” its viewers and listeners that the severe winter storms that have swept across the face of the continent are a result of Climate Change (which I will shorten to CC for the remainder of this blog). A friend in Michigan, who has lived there for decades, bemoans the result of CC on her locality; every snowflake is “evidence” that man has irreparably damaged our beloved planet.

Several years ago, I was trudging up a rather steep sidewalk in the middle of a very hot afternoon. The person who walked beside me started to rage against CC deniers (of which, then as now, I was one). She stated that she blamed the government for “allowing” the CC controversy to get more and more “out of hand.” Although I wasn’t about to halt my walk in the severe heat (all I wanted to do was to reach my destination and to escape the heat), I did manage to get out the following answer:


Startled, my companion turned to me and began to chide me.

“How can you say that? Everyone knows…”

I immediately interjected, “That money does nothing to affect the sun.”

Temporarily taken aback, she sputtered.


“Let’s be clear,” I said. “CC cannot happen apart from the action of the sun. The earth revolves around the sun, and therefore is moved or influenced by this burning ball of helium. So someone who wants to affect CC must have some way of affecting the sun. There is a lot of money being claimed by government in order to ‘solve’ CC. How is this money going to influence the sun?”

Crickets. Silence. We agreed to suspend the conversation.

The plain fact in all this is that CC is a false construct in order to generate fear in the general population – both here and in countries around the world. So-called “scientific” enquiries into higher / lower / the same temperature data are essentially comparing apples to oranges. If the world is billions of years old (their belief, not mine), how do we ascertain when temperatures were at a certain level over that huge span of time? According to evolutionists, when did life actually begin – and at what temperature? Did man “evolve” when the temperature was “just right”? These questions reveal the element of absurdity that is embedded in the entire “theory.”

In this day and age, scientists can produce all sorts of data. But, logically speaking, if one asserts that there is an “Event A,” a lot has to happen before one can link that event to “Event B” or even “Event C.” In fact, in my (limited) study of statistically relevant data, the simplistic linking of events in the whole CC drama strains believability. And yet the whole CC hoax persists. Even Pope Francis, in his address to the UN in 2015, amazingly used his considerable influence to proclaim that the “biggest threat to mankind” was CC! (Whatever happened to sin and the salvation offered by the sacrifice of Christ? Pope Francis, after all, is supposed to be the “Vicar of Christ.”)

When I was a young girl, I experienced air conditioning only in restaurants and shops. We had fans at our house, and we were encouraged to drink water with ice cubes to cool down if we were excessively hot. When I was a teenager, my father installed one air conditioner in one room of our house – the room that housed the TV. Every other room – the kitchen and our bedrooms included – did not have AC, and we dealt with it in our everyday lives. I even went to a high school that did not have any air conditioning in any classroom or meeting room (even the chapel). There were fans, of course, but that was all. We were expected to wear our school uniforms regardless of what temperature was all around us (and there was no such thing as having water bottles on or near our desks). Yes, I was hot during the late summer or late spring months, but so was everyone else.

Why do I bring this up? Because I believe that the entire CC discourse is based on a false premise: we feel hotter, so we (falsely) believe that it is the earth which is heating up. People who grew up a half-century ago may welcome air conditioning, but they certainly knew that we can survive without it. Generations born after the beginning of the 21st century have no such experience, and so they (naively) believe that the normal summer heat in areas of the world (especially the U.S.) is oppressive and life-threatening. I submit to you that this perception of greater heat is driving the entire narrative; the theory, though interesting, is absolutely unsupported by relevant facts – and data, strictly speaking, does not constitute “facts.” Facts must be historical or verifiable by repeated experimentation. Where is the repetition of data that might qualify in the latter criteria for facts? I submit that data stretching over two or three decades does not offer such verification.

CC has become a religion. It is an arrow in the quiver of people who want to supplant God’s control over our planet. “Green energy” is a myth; how many years have people burned wood over the millennia? Can science demonstrate that that action shortened the lives of people? It can’t. Can scientists state for certain how much oil or coal is hidden in the depths of the earth? Again, “no” is the correct answer. We are not running out of traditional energy sources.

In the end, humanity must decide to pour its efforts into feeding the people of this world, or to pour money into feeding the greed of the elite. God has given us biblical permission to use the resources of our world wisely (Genesis 1: 26 – 28); no one has the right to deny us the lawful use of said resources, especially in the name of a bogus theory. God controls the sun, our solar system, and the earth; money has no power to affect these things.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Washing Feet

All day today, the news has been full of a very curious event: the inability of the U.S. House of Representatives to elect a Speaker (read “leader” of the Republican cohort). You will, of course, remember that Nancy Pelosi occupied that position during the Trump administration and on into the present regime. To my mind, she pontificated a bit too much on her “knowledge” of the Constitution – that, sadly, wasn’t really knowledge at all. It was a brand of politics that would, quite frankly, have shocked the Founding Fathers, because the Federalist Papers make those individuals’ take on representative government very clear. However, the point of this blog is not to criticize her and her colleagues.

The position of Speaker of the House is a serious task, loaded with both privilege and responsibility. Jesus reminded His disciples that, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves. For who is greater, the one who is at the table [meaning Jesus Himself] or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves” (Luke 22: 25 – 28).

I am not writing to judge Pelosi’s leadership as former Speaker; other people may feel free to pronounce whatever judgment suits their political inclinations. However, it is difficult to remember a time when she took a humble “servant” attitude towards her duties and responsibilities. (The event when she proudly displayed her freezer full of $12-a-pint ice cream was particularly disturbing to certain viewers, myself included.)

Leaving all that aside, I wonder what the Republican Representatives are finding most difficult to focus on in choosing a leader to become Speaker. Are they looking for a bombastic iconoclast? An enemy to the present administration? A leader? A servant?

Several of the Founding Fathers – George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson (all three our first three presidents, by the way) – all spoke of leading by example, not dictum – the essence of the leadership Jesus mentioned. Having been schooled in Christianity, they realized that true leadership was not about force and bluster, but about the promulgation of good ideas and faithful implementation of said ideas. These men were well aware of Jesus’ actions of washing his disciples’ feet on the night before His execution.

One wonders how many feet the present candidates for leadership have washed.