Have you noticed the recent proliferation of lies and deliberate slander? Trump has recently been labeled a “hater of the military” by an “anonymous source.” A lie. Nicholas Sandman – a teenager at the time – was arbitrarily targeted as some sort of “monster” because he smiled – awkwardly – as a Native American (who lied about his own status) drummed and chanted loudly in his face. A slander. Masks are widely touted as “life-saving measures,” and people are shamed for thinking otherwise. A totally manipulative and misleading fiction.
What do these incidents have in common? Lies, slander and misleading fiction are manufactured by the “father of lies,” whom Jesus Christ Himself condemned: “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me! Can any of you prove Me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don't you believe Me?” (John 8:44 – 46).
Note in that indisputably clear quote, Jesus labeled the devil both a “liar” and a “murderer.” What are we to understand from this passage?
· Jesus affirmed the existence, even the power, of the devil. In other words, the devil is NOT some sort of imaginary boogey-man; he is a terrible, horrific enemy to all of humanity.
· Jesus further pointed out that lies are akin to murder. In other words, lies kill the one who lies; it does not necessarily kill the object of the lies, although it has led to death and destruction. In the passage quoted above, the Pharisees and scribes (to whom Jesus addressed this particular passage) lied continually about Jesus, and yet their lies did not affect the purity and love of the Son of God.
· People can choose to align themselves with the father of lies, but that cannot defeat Truth and Reality. Ultimately, the devil is a looser. He was summarily defeated at the Cross.
I want to add one more detail to this blog. Recently, I received a priority mail envelope, with the return address as the school where I taught high school English for 11 years. Thinking it was a plea for funds (the school officially closed this past June), I put it aside until I had time to read the packet I thought was enclosed. That time came during the Labor Day weekend. However, when I examined the contents, I discovered a “certificate of membership” to the satanic temple, with my name on it.
When attacks like these occur, I have come to realize that somewhere, somehow, I am annoying the prince of darkness, and that he wishes in turn to annoy me.
Rather than
being annoyed (which would be understandable, because someone linked my beloved
place of teaching – dedicated to Mother
Mary, “Notre Dame,” – with this hideous creature), I was dismayed at the
obvious danger to the soul of whoever sent this foul piece of paper. I suspect
that this person was one of my former students, who utterly fails to realize
what Jesus Christ has done for her soul. Some of them appear to be very upset with me because of my Biblical positions on current events.
So now, she doesn’t realize that she is on my Prayer List. She will never know true peace until she gives up her allegiance to lies and soul-murdering demonic activity. People can pretend, and act as though they are in control of their lives – and scoff at the Spirit of God – but there will come a day of reckoning when each of us will be judged by the pure and majestic God Who created each of us. The devil knows that he does not have the power to avoid this – and neither does my former student.
At the End of Time, all political lies, all slander, all attempts at intimidation and manipulation will be swept away. The devil knows that his time is very, very short; he wants as many of God’s creatures to join him in Hell so that he can feast – metaphorically-speaking – on their agony. There is no love in Hell; neither is there comfort or joy or understanding. There is only rage and hatred.
Whoever dismisses these clear truths is a minion – a slave, if you will – of the father of lies. I am telling you right here and now that you can escape this doom. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and the only way to a joy-filled existence with God (John 14:6).