Saturday, August 29, 2020

1984: The Year and the Time - "Ignorance Is Strength"

We now turn our attention to the third installment of my reflections on George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984. Within this disturbing book, Orwell explores a “theoretical” world, which – as I have argued before – uncannily resembles today’s America. My purpose in this is to make people realize the grave dangers that threaten the U.S. Constitution – especially the individual freedoms we all enjoy.

The slogan I am reviewing is found early in the novel, the third of three startling memes: “Ignorance Is Strength.” Of course, as my readers will remember, each slogan is a twisted attempt to confuse and control the people of fictional Oceania. In my second installment, I linked the slogan “Freedom Is Slavery” to the sad, anti-truth DNC Convention. In this installment, I will link the “Ignorance Is Strength” to the absolutely absurd reasoning of the present rioters and looters. (I fear that things will get worse, but I am not a prophet, and cannot speak beyond today’s news stories.)

Normally, the term ignorance goes beyond mere absence of knowledge. It also implies lack of ability to act in a wise or responsible fashion. For instance, we do not allow a youngster who has not attended college or medical school to conduct surgery or to open a medical clinic. We do not allow a teenager under a certain age to operate either a car or heavy equipment. In civilized communities, rules are based on common sense and wisdom; they reflect a certain reliance on a sense of morality.

As I have said before, the word is represents a direct correlation between the subject and the direct object (OK, I know that I should call it “predicate nominative,” but this is not my educational blog: .) In theory, the verb signifies an “equal sign” between two abstract nouns. But even a high schooler would say, “Wait a minute! As a student, I know the difference between “ignorance” and “strength.” They are not the same!”


So why did Orwell incorporate this slogan into his novel? 

It couldn’t be because he wanted to confuse his readers. From the beginning of this novel, Orwell crafts a compelling (though depressing) narrative, as seen through the eyes of his main character, Winston Smith. As the reader learns more and more about Winston, the reader realizes that, far from enjoying the life afforded him by the Party, Winston dreads his job, dreads the activities he is forced to participate in, and dreads the day-to-day limitations on his mental freedom. This dread is not related to “ignorance”; it is related to the knowledge and truth that Winston has. However, there are very few instances where Winston can act on that knowledge – and, at the end of that novel, the reader is gut-punched with the results of the torture and brainwashing Winston has endured. He is the “walking dead,” waiting for his inevitable “disappearance” (read: “death”). 

Orwell wanted to shock his readers; he wanted them to wake up to things he knew were happening on the planet – especially in Russia and China. Prior to the publication of 1984, millions had suffered torture, brainwashing, and death in these communist countries. The actions in the novel were completely copied from the atrocities that the Communist Parties were enacting, both prior to and during WWII. In present-day America, cities are being torched, businesses are being shut down (many permanently), and innocent people are being threatened, harmed, and even killed through riots and looting. Compare the fictional state of London in 1984 to the factual state of Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Washington; and Kenosha, Wisconsin. Would anyone reading this want to live in these places? Would anyone reading this want to give up their jobs to mob violence? Would anyone reading this want to be controlled body, soul, and spirit by a force bent on your ultimate destruction as a free individual?

“Ignorance Is Strength.” The only ignorance Orwell means is that of the Minion Masses. The only strength Orwell means is the strength of corrupt, power-hungry elitists who primarily want wealth and comfort above all else. 

All of the ideals revealed above are anti-Christian. Now contrast what I’ve just said with the following teaching of Jesus Christ:

Matthew 5: 1 –2 ~ Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them. He said: 

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Ever read of a protestor who was “poor” – i.e., “humble” – enough to repent?)

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. (What are the protestors’ reactions to all the people they’ve hurt and killed?)

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. (Ever hear of a rioter who passed up a chance to grab loot?)

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. (I’ve heard rioters and looters scream for “justice,” but never for “righteousness.”)

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. (How “merciful” are the thugs who beat their victims senseless for trying to stop their wanton destruction?)

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. (How pure is “pure”? It sure is a good question!)

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. (Nope – I don’t think the protestors qualify for this title. For one thing, they blaspheme God continually.)

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (These criminals want a “kingdom” – but as Seattle residents soon discovered, it will not be a good place to live in!)

Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Are these people the insulters? The persecutors? The spouters of evil testimony?)

Jesus knew that believers and those who fear God would be pushed to the brink of despair by the power of evil. He offered His followers the Power of God, and millions down the centuries have tested His Word and found refuge and comfort.

Please let the words of the Jesus Christ sink in – now, and in the future (if or when you are tempted to agree with all the 1984-style violence and mayhem presently passing as “protesting”). Jesus was not a protestor of evil; He was the Prince of Peace. All answers begin with Him.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

1984: The Year and the Time – Part 2: “Freedom Is Slavery”

In my previous blog, I started reflecting on the dystopian novel 1984 by George Orwell. A few weeks ago, I decided to reread this book, and was rather shocked at the similarities between 20th-century fiction and 21st-century fact. I decided that it might be of benefit to my readers to examine the three slogans that summarize the depressing atmosphere of the fictional world order Orwell describes:

War Is Peace.

Freedom Is Slavery.

Ignorance Is Strength.

After watching the Democratic National Convention this past week – OK, I did NOT sit through the entire achingly tedious broadcast, just excerpts – I was startled by all the similarities to the middle slogan, “Freedom Is Slavery.” Of course, you will remember that I explained that everything in the novel – words, actions, relationships – is twisted to deceive and control people. I can’t help but feel that the DNC was on a “bitter is sweet” kick (see Isaiah 5:20) when it orchestrated the speeches and the “voting” of delegates.

During the DNC Convention, person after person appeared and presented non-American or anti-American ideas as to “what the future looks like.” People deliberately skipped a vital part of the Pledge of Allegiance (“under God”). People deliberately called “black” “white” and ignored the true cause of the continuing violence in American cities. They blamed President Trump for everything from a low golf score to almost two thousand Covid-19 deaths. The viewers were not offered any plans that would solve any of the nation’s problems, except the banal “Vote for us, and we’ll deal with the problem.”

Now, pay attention! I’m about to explain the close connection between Orwell’s world and the DNC world. Orwell’s world, Oceania, is ruled by a nearly-ruined London, dominated by four massive and lavish high-rise “ministry” buildings. The Ministry of Truth is tasked with falsifying everyday activities to align with official propaganda. (This is the main character’s “job.”) This “ministry” is especially important to the DNC. If you remember, not one of the DNC speakers tackled the ongoing violence and destruction in Portland and Seattle – not to mention the dramatic increase in murder and stealing in other Democrat-led cities. The entire subject was a non-event. The freedom to know the truth is an important value to upright citizens, but there is obvious obfuscation in the “approved messages” coming out of the DNC Convention.

Another ministry with a prominent place in Orwell’s world is the Ministry of Love. As you may have already guessed, this “ministry” is populated by secret police and torturers with one mission: to force every individual of the land to hate one (former) leader and to love unconditionally the present ruler, “Big Brother.” Of course, this mindset is reversed as far as the DNC is concerned: Obama was the “righteous” president who accomplished “great things” (although people with intact brains cannot remember a single one), while Trump is an evil monster who has systematically despoiled America (despite record GDP growth and astonishingly low unemployment numbers prior to the “phantom germ”). Did one speaker offer even ONE word of praise for the current leader? No, certainly not! If one was not already aware of the present animosity towards our sitting president, and truly believed every word spoken at the DNC Convention, one would be convinced that President Trump is truly a vicious, arrogant tyrant who has declared himself “Dictator for Life.” The hatred of the DNC participants towards his administration was clear and unmistakable. (And heaven help you if you disagree with this stance!) It is the same world that Orwell described.

The third ministry that Orwell mentions is the Ministry of Peace. As I explained in my former blog, “War Is Peace” is a dominant ideology in Oceania. Nothing is as contradictory as this slogan, and yet it was echoed over and over in what the DNC speakers proclaimed: The past administration from 2008 – 2017 was “filled with peace and prosperity,” with “no scandals”; prosperity was bubbling just beneath the surface. Our only problem as a nation was that we didn’t realize that all Obama (and, by extension, Joe Biden) did was for our benefit. (We should have let Hillary in to further her “great plans” for the country!) Trump’s years in office – according to each DNC speaker – have been one of unrelenting torture, pain, suffering, and depression. (Gee – where have I been during all this? I know: I’ve been working and taking care of my family – before unemployment due to the “phantom germ” reared its ugly head!) There were people who knew this to be a totally false picture of the state of our country, yet they weren’t allowed to speak. (I wonder what Tulsi Gabbard would have said?)

The fourth ministry is called the Ministry of Plenty. Of course, throughout the novel, the citizens experience nothing but severe rationing and shortages. In simple terms, this condition is a trademark of socialism. The DNC did not mention socialism by name, but in its deliberate deletion of the phrase “under God,” the delegates were giving the audience the clear message that life can be lived without Him. Christianity devoid of God’s power to love and to forgive and to share is an empty, crumbling façade. Examine socialism, and you will see that this system espouses every desired trait of God the Father’s Kingdom, except it lacks the central heart: salvation (the power to love and to forgive and to share) through Jesus Christ.

The “Freedom Is Slavery” slogan operates at the center of the DNC plan: Enslave yourself to an un-American or non-American vision along socialist lines, or face years of “corrective action.” Yield to the official “bitter is sweet” mantra, or face the loss of jobs and buying privileges. Line up for “official actions,” or face being shunned and ostracized from all social interactions (well, maybe except for a church who loves the Lord).

The overwhelming message of 1984 is that there is no hope. The overwhelming message of the DNC Convention is that the current path of our nation (i.e., with Trump), offers no hope. Indeed, according to the DNC, freedom can only come about through slavery to a godless idea.

The overwhelming message of the Bible is that hope is built on the truth, love, peace, and plenty in the Lord God and in His Son, Jesus Christ.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

1984: The Year and the Time Part I -- "War Is Peace"

Recently, Mike Huckabee made reference to the “Two Minutes Hate” in one of his articles. Being an English literature aficionado, I immediately realized that Governor Huckabee was referring to a peculiar detail in George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984. What struck me as significant is that I had recently decided to reread this disturbing classic, and had begun to realize that Orwell – though an avowed atheist – had somehow revealed prophetic truths.
Before I delve into the significance of the above detail, allow me to summarize what the novel is all about. Orwell paints a world overcome and dictated to by war – and, by extension, hatred. He focuses on what we in the second decade of the 21st century know as a country called England and its capital city, London. When the novel opens, we are introduced to a character named Winston Smith. Even to people of Orwell’s time (the novel was published just after WWII), the name “Winston” suggested that the character’s parents had admired the legendary WWII English prime Minister, Winston Churchill. The surname “Smith,” however, was (and is) a generic last name, quite common throughout the British Isles. With one stroke, Orwell gave his readers the ultimate in symbolic imagery – a character whose very existence is a mixture of ironic confusion and hopeless outrage.
From its opening sentence, the reader is made to understand the intense, soul-crushing situation the main character is in: he is trapped in a perpetually twisted world where “official” words mean their opposites. “War is peace” is the first nonsensical slogan we encounter.
Here, I would like to pause and discuss this meme and its horrific implications. Of course, those of us who still exercise rational thought and attempt righteous discussion will recognize this as a logical non sequitur of the first order. One cannot use the word “is” to link or identify these opposites. An act involving violence (“war”) can never be deemed an act that is calmly carried out (“peace”). Does this ring a bell? It should. At this writing, Portland, Oregon, has had 70+ days of “mostly peaceful” violent protests, resulting in deaths, injuries, and destruction that has wrecked businesses and jobs in that city. Logically, the authorities in that city should be doing everything they can to quell this outrage, but, night after night, they allow the violence to continue, as if they have already abandoned any hope of using common sense to end the chaos. When will the damaged buildings be repaired? When will the ruins be rebuilt? If the people involved in this farce don’t wake up, they will end up in a permanently-wrecked city.
Winston lives in just such a city – a London that is ruined and decaying. Bombed-out buildings from the ongoing war (where allegiances constantly shift and no one really is sure who the "enemy" is) are set next to tall, impressive “ministry” buildings belonging to the “Party.” The Party, of course, is frighteningly like the Communist Party around the world – privileged, educated in the most recent propaganda, and fiercely loyal to the idea that "truth" is whatever they say it is.
The "Two Minutes Hate" is a daily ritual in Winston's existence. Every person who works for the Party is encouraged to shout, scream, bluster, chant, etc., at an image of the enemy projected on a telescreen for two minutes each day. It is a ritual one cannot avoid, and loyalty to the Party is measured by the vehemence an individual displays during this time.
Let us step from fiction to reality. Supposedly, the violence and insanity evident this summer all started as "moral outrage" over a death of one man. Until this death occurred, no one in any city outside of Minneapolis had heard of an individual named "George Floyd," but once he died, he became the focus of a bizarre outburst of "righteous anger." Only it wasn't righteous, and it has been out of all proportion to what true justice demanded. The anger has been satanic and irrational in the extreme.
Furthermore, who, exactly, are the “protestors” in Portland? Well, they are definitely not the former inhabitants of the destroyed parts of the city. It is a fact that none of the business owners burned down their own establishments, and the people living in apartments within the district did not destroy their own cars and other belongings. The media hides the fact that these “protestors” – when the police manage to take them into custody – are revealed to be outsiders. What right do they have to do what they are doing?
No right at all. But that doesn’t stop the media from shaping a topsy-turvy narrative and calling it “social justice.” What exactly is the “justice” these criminals and thugs are seeking?
This is not a sane time. The prophet Isaiah said millennia ago: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter” (Isaiah 5:20). I believe he foresaw this very time, this very year.
Saint Paul stated, “For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear” (2 Timothy 4:3). I am truly amazed at things that people in Portland (and other places) say in front of cameras and microphones that they must know are false – and yet they say them anyway.
At the end of Orwell’s novel, Winston is defeated and is waiting for death. 1984 is a hopeless book, and it is truly scary to see all of the parallels between this work of fiction and today’s reality. However, I will leave you with this one insight: God is never mentioned in this book. According to the Party, religion was foolish. Karl Marx said the exact same thing, but he was wrong. George Orwell, too, was wrong. The character Winston might resemble many, many people who are alive in this world, but it doesn’t have to be you.
God’s existence was proven by the life, teachings, sacrifice, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The world is entering a period of time which may very well be the precursor of Christ’s promised return. However dark it may seem right now, the Bible informs us that Christians are not prisoners of hopelessness.

Come, Lord Jesus!